Retalix Power Enterprise Add-ons
We have developed several Add-on Products specifically designed for Retalix. Our Products reside outside the Retalix Libraries so as to not interfere with vendor updates.
Financial Statement Report Writer
The system extracts data from the Retalix General Ledger. It allows the user to define Financial Statements, line by line, in an easy to use environment. Once a statement is built, the user can view the report with balances on-line with drill down capability. Or export the report to Excel.
All statements can be run for a single location or for multiple locations.
The report writer highlights missing accounts and duplicated accounts within a financial statement. This is all done on-line without running reports.
Sales Analysis
The system extracts data directly from invoice history so the numbers are always up to date including credits that have been posted.
The user can view sales by Customer, Sales Rep, Territory, Chain, and Customer Type. And sort by Gross Profit Dollars or Gross Profit Percent.
See your most profitable Customer, Sales Rep, Territory, Chain, or Customer Type at a glance. Then drill down to see sales by Item Class. Or drill all the way down to the invoice or item level.
Bids / Order Guides / Customer Usage - to Excel / FTP / Email
We create a standard format for each of these files and can customize it by customer. A setup file determines if the file is sent via Email or FTP for a particular customer of chain.
Enhanced A/R ACH Processing
Our enhanced system can increase the accuracy of ACH batches and reduce the work load for ACH processing.
The user runs an aging report detailing the invoices, credits, and adjustments to be paid, and the cash discount if any, before creating bank file.
Automatically assign a check number to ACH Payments enabling the A/R Statement Inquiry to show what invoices were paid together on what day.
Email ACH Payment Notification to the customer showing full invoice detail.
Enhanced A/R Aging Reports
Our enhanced reporting allows greater selection criteria and a variety of sorting options.
Summary or Detail
Age by Customer Terms or 30/60/90/120
By Customer or Statement Customer
Select by the following
By age - Over 30/60/90/120
Customer or Chain
Sales Rep or Territory
Customer Terms
Customer Type
Statement Day
Sort by the following​
Alphabetical or Customer Number​
Age - Oldest Accounts First
Balance - Largest Balance First
Commission Reporting
The enhanced reporting allows flexibility in how commission is calculated and provides an audit trail for research and analysis.
Flexible hierarchy using the Commission Override File, Sales Rep Master, and Commission Scale File.
Calculate on Gross Sales or Profit
Include or Exclude Allowances
Food Show Reporting
The enhanced reporting gives a thorough analysis of increased demand for the Purchasing Department and Customer performance based on bookings.
Purchasing Analysis
Shows all New Business
Shows all Increased Business
User defined time period for determining new and increased business
Select by Vendor and Sort by Buyer
Option to print full Customer detail
Customer Booking Analysis
Show booked versus actual quantities
Combine full case and broken case quantities
Select by Customer and Sales Rep
Optionally show Sales, Cost, and Gross Profit
Export to Excel
Food Show Book
By Vendor and Booth
Export to Excel
Print Labels for pre-registered Customers
Enhanced Picking Labels
Our Enhanced format highlights the significant information on the label to allow for greater accuracy in picking, loading, and delivery. The printing is done using a standard laser printer and requires no special equipment.
Fully interfaced with the Retalix process
Allows directing labels to printers based on Warehouse Area
The Picking Slot is printed LARGE and BOLD
The designation for EACH is clearly designated
The ROUTE and STOP number are printed large and bold
Sales Tax Reporting
Our enhanced reporting allows getting complete and accurate totals by city and county.
If a city or customer is serviced out of more than one location, the report will show a consolidated amount for that tax authority.
An additional report shows any tax code changes that have occurred during the month.
Additional Reporting
​Use our expertise to develop reports like these to make managing your business easier
Fill Rate Report
Show Cases Ordered versus Cases Shipped - by Customer or Chain​
Perfect Order Report​
​Total invoices with no Outs and no Credits​​
Fee Code Report​
Validate Items in a Bid or Order Guide
Driver Manifest - on Demand
Customers with no Order for a given Route Day
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